Ever visualised yourself leaping, James Bond-style, out of a plane, tugging on a ripcord and drifting gracefully to earth under a mushrooming parachute canopy? The stuff of action movies and army training camps, parachuting differs from skydiving in that it isn’t a chance for long luxurious freefalls: this is about discipline and work. But you don’t have to be an aspiring paratrooper to learn, just fit, brave and up for a really bad-ass holiday! Get started on a static line or by the Accelerated Freefall method, falling with two instructors and deploying your parachute yourself from the first jump. Train in Vermont, St Andrews, Lisbon, Heliopolis…whatever the backdrop, nothing matches the exhilaration of throwing yourself headfirst out of a plane, or the eternal bragging rights you’ll score when you land a few minutes later!